A win-win
Since 2007, Sewan has been working with telecom specialists to strengthen their offering and grow with them!

Growing together
Knowing how to support you
All the Sewan teams are fully aware of the needs and expectations of telecom specialist customers. We put all our expertise in perfectly adapted support.

Supporting you while letting you free to make your own choices - that's what we envision. With a Sewan partnership, you are free to build your catalogue of offers, and manage your margins and the rest of your product and sales strategy.

By relying on innovative, automated solutions, you save time, freeing up time for you and your teams. Product documentation, sales pitches, changes to offers: our teams manage it for you... The invoicing step is even automated.

A partnership with Sewan is your guarantee of having all the keys in hand to accelerate the growth of your business. It's always good to have the right support at the right time.

Because there's nothing better than being able to broaden your skills, we make a whole range of training courses and tutorials available to you, free of charge. You continue to progress while we support you.

Choosing Sewan
Putting our expertise
to work for you

Key figures
The choice of a differentiating partnership
1 250
Expert telecoms partners
145 000
Sewaners mobilised to support you

Sophia, the Co-pilot for Partners