The Cloud and Telecoms glossary

To simplify Cloud and Telecoms, we also need to be able to explain them clearly and concisely. Find the definition of the most common terms used in our business.

Internet and Networks
Voice and collaboration
Cloud services

Contact Experience

Developed by Sewan, Contact Experience brings together all the solutions aimed at democratising access to simple, intuitive, powerful and automated tools (Intake Numbers, Advanced IVR and Cloud Call Centre, etc.) that enable professional management of customer interactions for all types of companies.
This solution is based on three main functional blocks:
- The implementation of intelligent numbers in Belgium and in the world for the reception of your calls
- Advanced call reception solutions, ranging from simple voice menus, through the implementation of real-time interactions with information systems, to the implementation of artificial intelligence with the use of voice recognition in natural language.
- Call center and contact center services to be optimally connected to your customers across all communication channels

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